Swedish House Mafia - Don't You Worry Child - LyricSac
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Swedish House Mafia - Don't You Worry Child

 There was a time, I used to look into my father's eyes
In a happy home, I was a king I had a golden throneThose days are gone, now the memories are on the wallI hear the songs from the places where I was born
Up on the hill across the blue lake,That's where I had my first heartbreakI still remember how it all changedMy father said,"Don't you worry, don't you worry, childSee heaven's got a plan for youDon't you worry, don't you worry now"Yeah!
"Don't you worry, don't you worry, childSee heaven's got a plan for youDon't you worry, don't you worry now"Yeah!
There was a time, I met a girl of a different kind.We ruled the world, I thought I'll never lose her out of sight.We were so young, I think of her now and thenI still hear the songs reminding me of a friend
Up on the hill across the blue lake,That's where I had my first heartbreakI still remember how it all changedMy father said,"Don't you worry, don't you worry, childSee heaven's got a plan for youDon't you worry, don't you worry now"Yeah!
Oh, oh, oh!See heaven's got a plan for youSee heaven's got a plan for youSee heaven's got a plan for you
"Don't you worry, don't you worry, childSee heaven's got a plan for youDon't you worry, don't you worry now"Yeah!
Oh, oh, oh, oh,oh,oh,oh!Yeah!

Song lyric Swedish House Mafia - Don't You Worry Child ~ LyricSac

Song lyric Swedish House Mafia - Don't You Worry Child is Copyright/Property Rights of Authors, artist and music labels are concerned. LyricSac not provide download Mp3 files on our server. If you like this song, buy a cassette/DVD or a ring back tone (RBT) to support the artist concerned.

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